Remote Teaching Service
Remote Teaching Service
The Remote Teaching Service is made up of a dedicated group of more than 200 teachers living and working in 37 remote communities in Western Australia.
They deliver flexible and innovative education programs to ensure students in remote areas have access to high-quality learning programs.
Schools in the Remote Teaching Service are located in some of the most isolated parts of the state. They may be in community settings or small towns, and the majority of students are from local Aboriginal families.
Teaching in a remote school offers a range of professional opportunities for teachers who are engaging and resilient. If you are flexible and like working as part of a team you have the opportunity to be part of this innovative learning community. Skills and interests in literacy, numeracy and English as an additional language/dialect (EAL/D) are highly valued.
We support our teachers by providing a range of additional allowances and benefits.
When you teach in a remote school you will be eligible to apply for Remote Teaching Service leave. When you have completed 3 years of continuous service, you will receive 10 weeks of paid leave. After 4 years, you will receive 22 weeks of paid leave (this includes the first 10-week entitlement). This leave is in addition to all other leave entitlements.
You are eligible for permanency after 2 years of satisfactory service. On completion of your three-year contract, you will be allocated a case manager to help you secure a position in a location of your choice.
You can apply to our Remote Teaching Service pool.
Remote Teaching Service schools
To find out where our schools are located across Western Australia use the Remote Teaching Service schools interactive map.
- Laverton School
- Mt Margaret Remote Community School
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands – Blackstone Campus
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands – Jameson Campus
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands – Kiwirrkurra Campus
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands – Tjukurla Campus
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands – Wanarn Campus
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands – Warakurna Campus
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands – Warburton Ranges
- Ngaanyatjarra Lands – Wingellina Campus
- Tjuntjuntjara Remote Community School
- Wiluna Remote Community School
- Bayulu Remote Community School
- Dawul Remote Community School
- Djugerari Remote Community School
- Fitzroy Valley District High School
- Halls Creek District High School
- Jungdranung Remote Community School
- Kalumburu Remote Community School
- La Grange Remote Community School
- Looma Remote Community School
- Muludja Remote Community School
- Ngalapita Remote Community School
- One Arm Point Remote Community School
- Wananami Remote Community School
- Wangkatjungka Remote Community School
- Wyndham District High School
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Inspiring teachers and school leaders

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