Student selection and commitment

Student selection and commitment

Students who show a high level of musical aptitude may be nominated for the instrumental music program.

Your child's classroom music teachers will assess their musical aptitude and enthusiasm.

To participate in the program students must have:

  • a high level of aptitude
  • a willingness to participate in the instrumental music program
  • parent support
  • availability to attend all instrumental lessons (during school hours)
  • time to practice daily.

Students who have been nominated will be assessed for suitability during normal school hours.

Nominated students complete an aptitude test during Semester 2 of the year before the program or Week 1 of Term 1 of the year they start the program.

If your child meets all the requirements, they are shortlisted. They will have the opportunity to specify their preference of musical instrument.

Instrumental music teachers will assess the physical needs for choice of instrument (for example, length of arms for trombone)

Teachers will then collaborate before making final offers to all students.

If your child is offered a place in the program you should carefully consider if the program is appropriate for your child. You may need to consider how the music will fit in with other commitments such as other co-curricular activities, sports or academic extension classes.

It is expected that students will continue with their choice of instrument until at least the end of primary school. They should also plan to continue music studies at a secondary school that offers a program for their instrument.


  • Students can only accept one offer. If an offer is not accepted in Year 3 or Year 5 there is no guarantee of another offer in a later year.
  • The program only offers lessons for one instrument to each student.
  • To avoid conflicts in teaching methodology, we recommend students do not have private lessons for the same instrument they are learning through Instrumental Music School Services.
  • Students can choose to get private lessons for a different instrument.

Contact our team

Contact our team

For more information about Instrumental Music School Services , call 9338 9500 or email

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