Students star in magical show
Students star in magical show
26 May 2023
Broome schools joined forces as part of an epic community performance celebrating the shorebirds of Roebuck Bay.
On May 20, Theatre Kimberley staged the 2023 Shorebird Quest at Town Beach.

Students performing during Shorebird Quest 2023.
Robak Photography
Students from Roebuck Primary School, Cable Beach Primary School, Broome Primary School, Broome North Primary School and Broome Senior High School all played a part in the breathtaking performance.
Students made puppets, sang and performed in the free family event.
The Broome Senior High School Mamaljan program students helped construct three snub nose dolphin puppets for the musical theatre experience.
Mamaljan is a Yawuru word meaning ‘Place of Support’, catering for students across the full spectrum of disabilities.
Broome Senior High School Education Support Teacher Rochelle Cilia helped students make the puppets and said it was a wonderful experience.
“Being a part of the close-knit Broome community made the experience even more special,” Ms Cilia said. “One of the highlights was watching my students perform with such confidence, bringing the puppet to life. I couldn't be more proud.
“The event brought everyone together and created a sense of joy and unity. It was truly an amazing experience that showed how the arts can bring happiness to people of all ages.”

Students with the puppets during the performance.
Robak Photography
Students from Roebuck Primary School helped make puppets of stingrays and mud worms.
Roebuck Primary School Deputy Principal Micaley Ross said it was a great success.
“Creating the puppets was an exciting learning experience, highlighting the importance of the shorebirds and the mudflats for all students involved,” Mrs Ross said.
The Shorebird Quest was first performed in 2019, shedding light on the migratory birds and the need to protect them and Roebuck Bay where they come to feed.