Gifted and Talented scholarships
Gifted and Talented scholarships
Your child may be eligible to apply for a Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Academic program scholarship.
- Olive A Lewis Scholarship for students in need of financial support
- Bob Hawke Regional Academic Scholarships for boarding costs
Olive A Lewis Scholarship for students in need of financial support
Eligibility to apply
Children enrolled in a Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Academic program in Years 7, 8, 9 or 10 are eligible to apply for the Olive A Lewis Scholarship.
The Olive A Lewis Scholarship is provided for students whose further education may be restricted due to financial need. Scholarships are means-assessed and awarded to those families deemed to have the most significant financial disadvantage.
Students can apply in consecutive years, provided they remain in the program.
Families who have little or no difficulty providing for their child’s education expenses are not encouraged to apply.
When to apply
We have closed applications for the 2025 Olive A Lewis scholarship.
Applications for 2026 will open in October.
Scholarship value
Scholarships range between $250 and $1,500 per year.
The amount of funding each year varies according to the annual performance of the trust fund managed by Perpetual Trustees based in Sydney. Payments are made by cheque direct to families.
Supporting documentation
Families are required to supply detailed financial information which will be used by the Olive A Lewis Selection Committee to determine those applicants most in need of financial assistance.
Incomplete applications or those failing to provide all required supporting documentation may be removed from consideration. We take no responsibility for following up on incorrect or missing information relating to individual applications.
We keep all information supplied strictly confidential.
How recipients are determined
Applications are considered within the context of all information provided, including:
- income
- debts and assets
- number of dependent children
- education travel expenses
- other significant extenuating circumstances.
All scholarship decisions are final and are made at the discretion of the selection committee based on confidential information supplied by each applicant. You cannot appeal the decision.
Contact information
For more information, email or telephone 9264 4307.
Bob Hawke Regional Academic Scholarships for boarding costs
Eligibility to apply
Students from regional and remote Western Australia, applying for enrolment at Bob Hawke College through the Gifted and Talented Academic program, are eligible to apply for a scholarship to meet the cost of boarding at the Department of Education’s City Beach Residential College.
Number of scholarships
Scholarships are awarded to the 2 highest ranking students annually for entry into the Gifted and Talented program at Year 7 level for the duration of their enrolment at Bob Hawke College.
Duration of scholarship and conditions
Scholarships are valid for up to 6 years on the condition of:
- maintaining boarding status at City Beach Residential College
- application for State and Australian Government financial assistance or subsidy allowances.
Recipients of a Bob Hawke Regional Academic Scholarship will receive first priority for a boarding position at City Beach Residential College.
When to apply
All families of regional and remote Gifted and Talented students will be contacted by the college when receiving an offer of enrolment and provided information about their eligibility. Further information about boarding is available from the City Beach Residential College website.