Aussie school recognises its heroes
Asset Publisher
11 April 2024
One school has enlisted the help of a ‘local hero’ to recognise the achievements of students and their contribution to the school community.
Rosalie Primary School students had a special visit from WA 2024 Local Hero, Nick Hudson, from the 2024 Australian of the Year Awards.

Nick Hudson spoke to the students about the Push-Up Challenge. Photo: Aussie of the Month.
Mr Hudson, the founder of the Push-Up Challenge, visited Rosalie Primary School to share his story with its students and staff of how his challenge has raised $40 million for mental health charities since 2017.
He visited the school as a part of the student recognition program, Aussie of the Month.
Aussie of the Month is a sibling program of the Australian of the Year Awards and aims to encourage and celebrate primary school students who demonstrate mateship, respect and inclusion.
Mr Hudson said it was great to visit the school and meet students who are making their community a better place.
“Mental health affects so many kids, so it’s important we encourage values such as mateship and inclusion, so that students are actively supporting one another and creating a strong community within their school,” he said.
The students appreciate the recognition too.
One of the recent recipients, Maya Harman, said she was so grateful and happy to be recognised as an Aussie of the Month in 2023.
“It’s so important to recognise student achievements so students, like myself, can feel a sense of accomplishment and feel confident while in the classroom,” said Maya.
Michelle Nash, principal of Rosalie Primary School, said they are excited to continue running the Aussie of the Month program again in 2024 and to have Mr Hudson visit the school.

Rosalie Primary School's Health and PE Specialist Sally Surrey, Nick Hudson, and principal Michelle Nash. Photo: Aussie of the Month.
Students, staff and parents are all able to nominate a student within the school for the monthly award, with students getting the opportunity to review and vote once the nominations are received.
Mrs Nash said the school got involved with the program to recognise people who were contributing, often unnoticed, to the school and wider community in positive ways.
“We are proud to celebrate those amazing people who contribute to our community at Rosalie and hope to inspire more students to do the same,” she said.
“It is important to our school to highlight people who have shown personal endeavour whilst displaying both our Rosalie School and Aussie of the Month values of kindness, respect, responsibility and inclusion.
“The program is important because acknowledging the work of others can inspire students and encourage a generation of active citizenship.”