Past term dates
Past term dates
Term dates published in the Western Australian Government Gazette for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
2024 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Wednesday 31 January to Thursday 28 March |
Break | Friday 29 March to Sunday 14 April |
Term 2 | Monday 15 April to Friday 28 June |
Break | Saturday 29 June to Sunday 14 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 15 July to Friday 20 September |
Break | Saturday 21 September to Sunday 6 October |
Term 4 | Monday 7 October to Thursday 12 December |
Past term dates
- 2023 term dates
- 2022 term dates
- 2021 term dates
- 2020 term dates
- 2019 term dates
- 2018 term dates
- 2017 term dates
- 2016 term dates
- 2015 term dates
- 2014 term dates
- 2013 term dates
- 2012 term dates
- 2011 term dates
Term dates published in the Western Australian Government Gazette for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
2023 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Wednesday 1 February to Thursday 6 April |
Break | Friday 7 April to Sunday 23 April |
Term 2 | Monday 24 April to Friday 30 June |
Break | Saturday 1 July to Sunday 16 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 17 July to Friday 22 September |
Break | Saturday 23 September to Sunday 8 October |
Term 4 | Monday 9 October to Thursday 14 December |
Term dates published in the Western Australian Government Gazette for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
Schools should be contacted directly for information about its school development days and term dates.
2022 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 31 January to Friday 8 April |
Break | Saturday 9 April to Monday 25 April |
Term 2 | Tuesday 26 April to Friday 1 July |
Break | Saturday 2 July to Sunday 17 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 18 July to Friday 23 September |
Break | Saturday 24 September to Sunday 9 October |
Term 4 | Monday 10 October to Thursday 15 December |
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
Dates for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
2021 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 1 February to Thursday 1 April |
Break | Friday 2 April to Sunday 18 April |
Term 2 | Monday 19 April to Friday 2 July |
Break | Saturday 3 July to Sunday 18 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 19 July to Friday 24 September |
Break | Saturday 25 September to Sunday 10 October |
Term 4 | Monday 11 October to Thursday 16 December |
The Department term dates calendar can not be provided as each public school develops its own calendar.
- Contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates, including school development days.
- Students start the school year on Monday 1 February 2021 and end the school year on Thursday 16 December 2021.
- There are 6 school development days where students do not attend:
- 2 of these days are before the school year starts for students, and one day is after the school year ends for students
- each school schedules another three days throughout the year in consultation with its school council or board and school community.
- All public schools have the flexibility to trade off school development days except Thursday 28 January 2021 and Friday 29 January 2021.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
Dates for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia. All dates are inclusive.
2020 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 3 February to Thursday 9 April |
Break | Friday 10 April to Monday 27 April |
Term 2 | Tuesday 28 April to Friday 3 July |
Break | Saturday 4 July to Sunday 19 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September |
Break | Saturday 26 September to Sunday 11 October |
Term 4 | Monday 12 October to Thursday 17 December |
- A Department term dates calendar can not be provided as each public school develops its own calendar.
- Contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates, including school development days.
- Students start the school year on Monday 3 February 2020 and end the school year on Thursday 17 December 2020.
- There are 6 school development days where students do not attend:
- 2 of these days are before the school year starts for students, and one day is after the school year ends for students
- each school schedules another three days throughout the year in consultation with its school council or board and school community.
- All public schools now have the flexibility to trade off school development days except Thursday 30 January 2020 and Friday 31 January 2020.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
Dates for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
2019 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 4 February to Friday 12 April |
Break | Saturday 13 April to Sunday 28 April |
Term 2 | Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July |
Break | Saturday 6 July to Sunday 21 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September |
Break | Saturday 28 September to Sunday 13 October |
Term 4 | Monday 14 October to Thursday 19 December |
- A Department term dates calendar for 2019 can not be provided as each public school develops its own calendar.
- Contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates, including school development days (student free).
- Students start the school year on Monday 4 February 2019 and end the school year on Thursday 19 December 2019.
- There are 6 school development days where students do not attend:
- 2 of these days are before the school year starts for students and one day is after the school year ends for students
- each school schedules another 3 days throughout the year in consultation with its school board or council and school community.
- Independent public schools have the flexibility to trade-off school development days (except Thursday 31 January and Friday 1 February 2019). All other schools have the flexibility to trade-off the last school development day of the school year (Friday 20 December 2019). Teachers should confirm arrangements for their school development days with the school.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
Dates for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
2018 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Wednesday 31 January to Friday 13 April |
Break | Saturday 14 April to Sunday 29 April |
Term 2 | Monday 30 April to Friday 29 June |
Break | Saturday 30 June to Sunday 15 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 16 July to Friday 21 September |
Break | Saturday 22 September to Sunday 7 October |
Term 4 | Monday 8 October to Thursday 13 December |
2018 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 29 January to Friday 13 April |
Break | Saturday 14 April to Sunday 29 April |
Term 2 | Monday 30 April to Friday 29 June |
Break | Saturday 30 June to Sunday 15 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 16 July to Friday 21 September |
Break | Saturday 22 September to Sunday 7 October |
Term 4 | Monday 8 October to Friday 14 December |
- A Department term dates calendar for 2018 can not be provided as each public school develops its own calendar.
- Easter occurs during Term 1. Schools will be closed on Friday 30 March 2018, Monday 2 April 2018 and Tuesday 3 April 2018. Some regional schools may substitute another day in lieu of Easter Tuesday. Please check with your principal.
- Contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates, including school development days (student free).
- Students start the school year on Wednesday 31 January 2018 and end the school year on Thursday 13 December 2018.
- There are 6 school development days where students do not attend:
- 2 of these days are before the school year starts for students and one day is after the school year ends for students
- each school schedules another 3 days throughout the year in consultation with its school council/board and school community.
- Independent public schools have the flexibility to trade-off school development days (except Monday 29 January and Tuesday 30 January). All other schools have the flexibility to trade-off the last school development day of the school year (Friday 14 December). Teachers should confirm arrangements for their school development days with the school.
- Staff can refer to our intranet, Ikon, for details of staff start and end year dates by occupational group.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
Dates gazetted for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive). All students will start their first day of the 2017 school year on Wednesday 1 February 2017.
The dates below do not include school development days (student free). Schools will schedule 3 days where students do not attend.
2017 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Wednesday 1 February to Friday 7 April |
Break | Saturday 8 April to Sunday 23 April |
Term 2 | Monday 24 April to Friday 30 June |
Break | Saturday 1 July to Sunday 16 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 17 July to Friday 22 September |
Break | Saturday 23 September to Sunday 8 October |
Term 4 | Monday 9 October to Thursday 14 December |
2017 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 30 January to Friday 7 April |
Break | Saturday 8 April to Sunday 23 April |
Term 2 | Monday 24 April to Friday 30 June |
Break | Saturday 1 July to Sunday 16 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 17 July to Friday 22 September |
Break | Saturday 23 September to Sunday 8 October |
Term 4 | Monday 9 October to Friday 15 December |
- A Department term dates calendar for 2017 can not be provided as each public school develops its own calendar.
- Easter occurs during the Term 1 and 2 break.
- Contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates, including school development days (student free).
- Students start the school year on Wednesday 1 February and end the school year on Thursday 14 December.
- There are 6 school development days where students do not attend:
- 2 of these days are before the school year starts for students and one day is after the school year ends for students
- each school schedules another 3 days throughout the year in consultation with its school council or board and school community.
- Independent public schools have the flexibility to trade-off school development days (except Monday 30 January and Tuesday 31 January). All other schools have the flexibility to trade-off the last school development day of the school year (Friday 15 December). Teachers should confirm arrangements for their school development days with the school.
- Staff can refer to our intranet, Ikon, for details of start and end year dates by occupational group.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
Dates gazetted for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
The dates below do not include school development days (student free). Schools will schedule 3 days where students do not attend.
All students will start their first day of the 2016 school year on Monday 1 February 2016.
2016 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 1 February to Friday 8 April |
Break | Saturday 9 April to Monday 25 April |
Term 2 | Tuesday 26 April to Friday 1 July |
Break | Saturday 2 July to Sunday 17 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 18 July to Friday 23 September |
Break | Saturday 24 September to Sunday 9 October |
Term 4 | Monday 10 October to Thursday 15 December |
2016 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Thursday 28 January to Friday 8 April |
Break | Saturday 9 April to Monday 25 April |
Term 2 | Tuesday 26 April to Friday 1 July |
Break | Saturday 2 July to Sunday 17 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Mon 18 July - Fri 23 September |
Break | Saturday 24 September to Sunday 9 October |
Term 4 | Monday 10 October to Friday 16 December |
A Department term dates calendar for 2016 can not be provided as each public school develops its own calendar.
Please contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates, including school development days (student free).
- All students start the school year on Monday 1 February and end the school year on Thursday 15 December.
- There are 7 school development days when students do not attend school:
- 2 of these days are before the school year starts for students and one day is after the school year ends for students
- each school schedules another four days throughout the year in consultation with its school council/board and school community.
- Independent public schools have the flexibility to trade-off school development days (except Thursday 28 January and Friday 29 January). All other schools have the flexibility to trade-off the last school development day of the school year (Friday 16 December). Teachers should confirm arrangements for their school development days with the school.
- Schools are not required to open on Easter Tuesday 29 March. However, country schools may open on this day and substitute another day for local agricultural shows, with the approval of school councils/boards and regional executive directors.
- Labour Relations should be consulted for details of staff start and end year-dates by occupational group.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
2015 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 2 February to Thursday 2 April |
Break | Friday 3 April to Sunday 19 April |
Term 2 | Monday 20 April to Friday 3 July |
Break | Saturday 4 July to Sunday 19 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September |
Break | Saturday 26 September to Sunday 11 October |
Term 4 | Monday 12 October to Thursday 17 December |
2015 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Thursday 29 January to Thursday 2 April |
Break | Friday 3 April to Sunday 19 April |
Term 2 | Monday 20 April to Friday 3 July |
Break | Saturday 4 July to Sunday 19 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September |
Break | Saturday 26 September to Sunday 11 October |
Term 4 | Monday 12 October to Friday 18 December |
A Department term dates calendar for 2015 can not be provided as each public school develops its own calendar.
Please contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates, including school development days (pupil free).
- All students start the school year on Monday 2 February and end the school year on Thursday 17 December.
- There are 6 school development days decided by the school where students do not attend:
- 2 of these days are before the school year starts for students and one day is after the school year ends for students
- each school schedules another three days throughout the year in consultation with its school council/board and school community.
- Independent public schools have the flexibility to trade-off school development days (except Thursday 29 January and Friday 30 January). All other schools have the flexibility to trade-off the last school development day of the school year (Friday 18 December). Teachers should confirm arrangements for their school development days with the school.
- Labour Relations should be consulted for details of staff start and end year dates by occupational group.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
2014 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 3 February to Friday 11 April |
Break | Saturday 12 April to Sunday 27 April |
Term 2 | Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July |
Break | Saturday 5 July to Sunday 20 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September |
Break | Saturday 27 September to Sunday 12 October |
Term 4 | Monday 13 October to Thursday 18 December |
2014 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Thursday 30 January to Friday 11 April |
Break | Saturday 12 April to Sunday 27 April |
Term 2 | Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July |
Break | Saturday 5 July to Sunday 20 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September |
Break | Saturday 27 September to Sunday 12 October |
Term 4 | Monday 13 October to Friday 19 December |
A Department term dates calendar for 2014 can not be provided as each public school develops its own calendar.
Please contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates, including school development days (student free' days).
- All students start the school year on Monday 3 February and end the school year on Thursday 18 December.
- There are 7 school development days decided by the school where students do not attend:
- 2 of these days are before the school year starts for students and one day is after the school year ends for students
- each school schedules another four days throughout the year in consultation with its school council/board and school community.
- Independent public schools have the flexibility to trade-off school development days (except Thursday 30 January and Friday 31 January 2014). All other schools have the flexibility to trade-off the last school development day of the school year (Friday 19 December 2014). Teachers should confirm arrangements for their school development days with the school.
- Labour Relations should be consulted for details of staff start and end year dates by occupational group.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
2013 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 4 February to Friday 19 April |
Break | Saturday 20 April to Sunday 5 May |
Term 2 | Monday 6 May to Friday 5 July |
Break | Saturday 6 July to Sunday 21 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September |
Break | Saturday 28 September to Sunday 13 October |
Term 4 | Monday 14 October to Thursday 19 December |
2013 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Thursday 31 January to Friday 19 April |
Break | Saturday 20 April to Sunday 5 May |
Term 2 | Monday 6 May to Friday 5 July |
Break | Saturday 6 July to Sunday 21 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September |
Break | Saturday 28 September to Sunday 13 October |
Term 4 | Monday 14 October to Friday 20 December |
A term dates calendar for 2013 is not available as no one calendar would apply to all public schools.
You can contact your school directly for more information about its specific dates.
- All students start the school year on Monday 4 February and end the school year on Thursday 19 December.
- There are 7 school development days during the year that students do not attend.
- Two of these days are before the school year starts for students and one day is after the school year ends for students.
- Each school schedules another four days throughout the year in consultation with its school council/board and school community.
- Each school can trade off the school development day at the end of the year (Friday 20 December). Teachers should confirm arrangements for this school development day with the school.
- Schools are not required to open on Easter Tuesday 2 April. However, country schools may open on this day and substitute another day for local agricultural shows with approval of school councils or boards and regional executive directors.
- Labour Relations should be consulted for details of staff start and end year dates by occupational group.
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
Term dates for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
2012 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Wednesday 1 February to Thursday 5 April |
Break | Friday 6 April to Wednesday 25 April |
Term 2 | Thursday 26 April to Friday 6 July |
Break | Saturday 7 July to Monday 23 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Tuesday 24 July to Friday 28 September |
Break | Saturday 29 September to Monday 15 October |
Term 4 | Tuesday 16 October to Tuesday 18 December |
2012 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 30 January to Thursday 5 April |
Break | Friday 6 April to Sunday 22 April |
Term 2 | Monday 23 April to Friday 6 July |
Break | Saturday 7 July to Sunday 22 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 23 July to Friday 28 September |
Break | Saturday 29 September to Sunday 14 October |
Term 4 | Monday 15 October to Wednesday 19 December |
Schools should be contacted directly for advice on school development days and term dates.
Term dates for primary and secondary students in public schools in Western Australia (all dates are inclusive).
2011 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Wednesday 2 February to Tuesday 19 April |
Break | Wednesday 20 April to Wednesday 4 May |
Term 2 | Thursday 5 May to Friday 8 July |
Break | Saturday 9 July to Monday 25 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Tuesday 26 July to Friday 30 September |
Break | Saturday 1 October to Monday 17 October |
Term 4 | Tuesday 18 October to Wednesday 14 December |
2011 term dates
Semester 1 | |
Term 1 | Monday 31 January to Tuesday 19 April |
Break | Wednesday 20 April to Wednesday 4 May |
Term 2 | Thursday 5 May to Friday 8 July |
Break | Saturday 9 July to Sunday 24 July |
Semester 2 | |
Term 3 | Monday 25 July to Friday 30 September |
Break | Saturday 1 October to Sunday 16 October |
Term 4 | Monday 17 October to Friday 16 December |