Our people

Our people

Our Corporate Executive and senior staff are leaders in education strategy, planning and innovation, providing the best possible environment for schools and students to thrive.

The Department of Education is responsible to the Hon Dr Tony Buti MLA, Minister for Education.

We are also responsible to Hon Sabine Winton MLA, Minister for Early Childhood Education, on strategic matters relating to early childhood education and Hon David Templeman MLA, Minister for International Education, on strategic matters relating to international education.

Corporate Executive

Jim Bell 
Outgoing Director General

Jim Bell was appointed as Director General in 2024, moving to the role from his position as Deputy Director General, Student Achievement.

Jim has more than 25 years’ experience in education, holding a number of teaching and leadership positions, including as principal of Lakelands and Success primary schools. He was also a Director of Public School Review, an assistant director in the South Metropolitan region and the Executive Director, Strategy and Policy.

Jim's educational leadership is complemented by commercial experience in a multi-national company managing Aboriginal employment strategies, leadership development programs and the business development portfolio.


Steve Watson
Deputy Director General, Schools

Steve Watson commenced in the Director of Education role at the start of 2024, leading the relationship and support for all public schools in the region.

Steve brings to the role experience from leading Special Educational Needs schools, including teaching and leading in Deaf Education for 17 years. Steve has 25 years of experience having worked in regional and metropolitan schools and services.


Melesha Sands 
Deputy Director General, Student Achievement

Melesha Sands was appointed to this position in 2021. She is responsible for providing leadership and strategic direction for 8 education regions and networks of schools across the state. All directors of education report to this position.

Melesha was previously Executive Director, Recovery and Coordination, and has previously led the Department’s COVID‑19 incident management team. Her extensive educational leadership includes principalships at Swan View Senior High School and Belridge Secondary College, and leadership positions in regional and metropolitan secondary schools.

A 2017 Principal Fellow, Melesha has made significant contributions to the public school system in strategic planning, innovation, and progressing the Department’s Leadership Strategy.


Jay Peckitt 
Deputy Director General, Education Business Services

Jay Peckitt has worked for Western Australia’s public sector for more than 20 years. He has held senior positions across several departments including child protection, finance and communities, as well as education. In his current role, he leads and oversees the Department’s:

  • statewide planning, delivery and maintenance of education infrastructure
  • financial, fleet and contracting management and budget processes, including the funding of all schools in the state
  • ICT infrastructure, services and security
  • other business services like payroll, compliance, information access and data privacy.

Jay holds a Bachelor of Business and a Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance and is a Fellow of CPA Australia. In 2018 the Western Australian Institute of Public Administration Australia named him Chief Financial Officer of the Year and Young Leader of the Year.


Martin Clery
Executive Director, Statewide Services

Martin Clery leads the division responsible for delivering support services to school staff and students to improve student achievement and outcomes, including teaching and learning resources, professional learning for teachers and school leaders, and support for students with specific learning needs.

Martin brings considerable experience in education across Western Australia, teaching in regional and metropolitan schools and working in central support roles.

Martin reports to the Deputy Director General, Student Achievement.


Karen Roberts
Executive Director, Workforce

Karen Roberts was appointed as the Executive Director Workforce in June 2024 and comes with extensive public sector experience in leading human resource management functions. Prior to Education, Karen held leadership roles at the University of Western Australia, the WA Police Force and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.

Karen holds a Master's degree in Human Resources and a Master's in Public Policy and Management, a Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Karen is a previous recipient of the WA Institute of Public Administration Australia’s Human Resource Management Practitioner of the Year and Leader of the Year working in a division or team.

Karen reports to the Deputy Director General, Student Achievement.


Mary Brown
Executive Director, Professional Standards and Conduct

Mary Brown was appointed to this position in 2022. Ms Brown has had a distinguished career in a variety of roles in both public and private settings and brings a wealth of experience in executive leadership to the Department.

Mary has extensive experience from her time with the WA Police Force, and most recently held roles at the Corruption and Crime Commission and Deloitte.

Mary was previously with the Department in 2020 when she led a reform and business improvement project.


Juanita Healy
Executive Director, School Curriculum and Standards

Juanita Healy is responsible for leading the development of curriculum, assessment and standards for student achievement in all schools across Western Australia.

Juanita has many years of experience in Kindergarten to Year 12 education leadership, having held executive roles in the Department of Education and the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, and teaching in regional and metropolitan schools.

Juanita holds a Master of Education (Policy and Administration), is a member of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Board, and is Chair of the Australasian Curriculum, Assessment and Certification Authorities' vocational education and training committee.

Juanita reports to the chair of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority and maintains a strategic reporting relationship with the Director General.


Raechelle Lee
Executive Director, Strategy and Policy

Raechelle Lee is responsible for leading system-wide strategy and policies to support Department and student outcomes.

Raechelle comes to this position as Director, Intergovernmental Relations, following considerable experience across the education portfolio leading organisational priorities in complex policy environments. She started her early career as a teacher and has worked in a range of policy-related roles in central and statewide services since 2007, including in Aboriginal Education.


Milanna Heberle 
Executive Director, System Response and Transformation

Milanna has more than 30 years’ experience in public education, having held executive and leadership positions in central services, regional and metropolitan schools, including 10 years of experience as a secondary school principal.

Milanna is acknowledged as a strong, innovative and visionary leader who has participated in a variety of educational committees and contributed extensively to system initiatives. As part of the Department’s leadership strategy, Milanna undertook studies at Harvard University in 2019 and during 2021–22, led the Department’s response to COVID-19 where she was instrumental in ensuring schools followed advice for public health and social measures from Western Australia’s Chief Health Officer. 

In her current role, Milanna is responsible for managing and overseeing complex system-wide programs and projects.


Marie-Anne Keeffe
Director, Communications 

Marie-Anne Keeffe (MAK) was appointed to lead our Communications team in 2023, bringing extensive experience in communications and media in Western Australia.

MAK spent 25 years at Channel 7 Perth, including as Telethon General Manager where she helped raise more than $80 million for sick children. She was also an executive producer for Today Tonight, produced Howard Sattler’s top-rating radio show on 6PR and ran a boutique strategic communications and media training agency in Perth.

Most recently MAK was seconded to Consumer Protection as campaign manager for the COVID-19 taskforce where she was able to combine her communications and legal skills.


Richard Miles
Director, Teacher Registration

Richard Miles was appointed in 2013 and is responsible for secretariat services to the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia, including administration of registration services to more than 50,000 teachers, assessment and investigation of disciplinary and impairment matters involving registered teachers, and accreditation of initial teacher education programs.

Richard has a Master of Arts (Political Science), Bachelor of Laws and Graduate Diploma in Practical Legal Training.

Richard reports to the chair of the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia and the Director General.

Senior staff

Philippa Beamish Burton
Executive Director, Finance and Commercial Services

Philippa Beamish Burton joined the Department in late 2017 as the Director Financial Planning and Resourcing. With more than 19 years’ experience in the Western Australian public sector, Philippa has held senior positions at the former Department for Child Protection and Family Support and the Department of Communities.

Philippa has a Bachelor of Business, is a Certified Practising Accountant, and was awarded the Chief Financial Officer of the Year at the 2022 W.S. Lonnie Awards. Philippa was also named the Finance Practitioner of the Year by the Institute of Public Administration Australia in 2017 and 2022.

Philippa reports to the Deputy Director General, Education Business Services.

David Dans
Chief Information Officer

David Dans was appointed to this position in 2017 and is responsible for information and communication technology services, including strategic service delivery, infrastructure and telecommunications, e-learning and business systems, student information systems and ICT governance.

David has over 30 years’ experience working in the technology and commercial arena for public and private sectors in Australia and overseas. Before joining the Department, he was Chief Digital Officer at Landgate.

David reports to the Deputy Director General, Education Business Services.

Rob Thomson 
Executive Director, Infrastructure 

Rob Thomson was appointed to this position in 2021 and is responsible for managing the Department’s asset portfolio, which includes strategic asset planning, land acquisition, capital works, services contracting, and maintenance and minor works programs. Rob has 20 years of experience in infrastructure planning and investment in the public sector having held senior positions at other agencies.

Rob reports to the Deputy Director General, Education Business Services.

Lisa Criddle
Executive Director, Early Childhood Education

Lisa led the Midwest Education Region from 2020 to 2023, having also previously been a director in the Goldfields Education Region and the Principal of Allendale Primary School. Lisa brings extensive experience from both a school and system level, was named WA Primary Principal of the Year in 2017, and is a Principal Fellow.

Lisa now holds the position of Executive Director, Early Childhood Education.


Vicki McKeown
Executive Director, Schooling Operations and Initiatives

Vicki McKeown has worked for the Department of Education for 35 years, with over 20 years in school and system leadership roles.

She was awarded the Public Service Medal (PSM) in the Australia Day 2021 Honours List for her work in shifting the culture and reputation of Coodanup College as its principal.

Vicki has previously worked as a director of Public School Review and Principal Professional Review, and assistant director of the South Metropolitan Education Region.


Paul Bridge
Advisor, Cultural Responsiveness and Aboriginal Perspectives

Paul Bridge has held leadership and principal positions across the Kimberley Education Region. As an Aboriginal educator of immense experience, he is aware of the critical challenges facing Indigenous students in public schools and also in rural and remote community schools.

Paul has been involved in projects liaising with Aboriginal communities, government agencies, universities and community bodies. Paul is also a ministerially appointed member of the Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council and a previous Senior Vice President of the State School Teacher’s Union of WA.

Paul Bridge now holds the role of Advisor, Cultural Responsiveness and Aboriginal Perspectives.



Ivan Banks
Assistant Executive Director, Examinations, Certification and Testing

Ivan has more than 30 years of experience as a school leader and more than 20 years of experience as a principal in Western Australian high schools.

Ivan leads the directorate responsible for the development and administration of high-quality examination, testing and certification programs to instil confidence in the Western Australian curriculum and standards of achievement. This includes maintaining the integrity of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and the administration of the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) and the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Western Australia. It also includes researching how technology is used in testing, assessment and certification, and researching strategies to report student engagement with the general capabilities on the Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA).

Ivan reports to the Executive Director, School Curriculum and Standards.

Catherine Shepherd
Assistant Executive Director, Professional Capability

Catherine Shepherd leads and oversees professional capability activities to improve student achievement by enabling teaching and leadership excellence.

Catherine has significant school and system leadership experience. Previously Assistant Executive Director, Student Support and Aboriginal Education, and Director, Student Support Services, she has led major education reform and initiatives to strengthen support of schools, build professional capability, and support student achievement and wellbeing. Having led regional, remote and metropolitan schools, she has extensive insights into the needs of schools in their various contexts.

Catherine reports to the  Executive Director, Statewide Services.

Stuart Percival
Assistant Executive Director, Service Delivery

Stuart has significant experience in public education. He has held executive and leadership positions in central services and schools. He was the principal of the Schools of Special Educational Needs: Sensory and Disability. He was also the principal of Durham Road School for 13 years.

Throughout his career, Stuart has served on various state and national educational committees. He has played a pivotal role in system initiatives, particularly in the area of disability.

In his current role, Stuart leads the implementation of integrated support and service delivery for schools to improve educational outcomes and student achievement. This extends to overseeing projects and initiatives in early childhood education, swimming and secondary education.

Stuart reports to the Executive Director, Statewide Services.


Directors of education

Directors of education

Directors of education report to the Deputy Director General, Schools.


Nathan Morton 
Director of Education, Goldfields 

Nathan Morton joined the Goldfields Education Region in 2022 as principal of the region’s largest high school, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School. Nathan has also held leadership and principal roles in various metropolitan schools.

Nathan brings extensive experience in complex case management. He is passionate about providing a safe and equitable learning environment for all students. Nathan drives change and innovation in the Goldfields region through inter-agency and inter-school collaboration.


Paul Bridge
Director of Education, Kimberley

Paul Bridge has held leadership and principal positions across the Kimberley Education Region. As an Aboriginal educator of immense experience, he is aware of the critical challenges facing Indigenous students in public schools and also in rural and remote community schools.

Paul has been involved in projects liaising with Aboriginal communities, government agencies, universities and community bodies. Paul is also a ministerially appointed member of the Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council and a previous Senior Vice President of the State School Teacher’s Union of WA.


Lisa Criddle
Director of Education, Midwest

Lisa led the Midwest Education Region from 2020 to 2023, having also previously been a director in the Goldfields Education Region and the Principal of Allendale Primary School. Lisa brings extensive experience from both a school and system level, was named WA Primary Principal of the Year in 2017, and is a Principal Fellow.

Lisa now holds the position of Director of Education, Midwest.



Cheryl Townsend
Director of Education, North Metropolitan

Cheryl had her contributions to public education acknowledged by being a WA Education Awards finalist for WA Secondary Principal of the Year (2016 and 2017), Australian Council for Educational Leaders Certificate of Excellence in Educational Leadership (2017), winner of the 2017 Women of Achievement Award and is a Principal Fellow.

Cheryl was a principal advisor driving Department initiatives before commencing her leadership role in the South Metropolitan Education Region.


Ash King 
Director of Education, Pilbara

Ash served as a public school principal for 25 years in various regions in Western Australia. He has significant experience in areas with high needs and low socioeconomics. Ash is passionate about providing equity for all students. He is energised by the benefits this brings to students and their families. 

Ash has been the Vice President of the Western Australian Primary Principals' Association (WAPPA) as well as its Director of Professional Learning. He has held positions on the Australian Primary Principals Association National Advisory Council. He also led projects with local universities incorporating partnerships with international school leadership.


Sue Cuneo
Director of Education, South Metropolitan

Sue is an experienced educational leader who has held a variety of principal positions in regional and metropolitan schools before engaging in system leadership roles in central services and director level leadership across 5 education regions.

Sue recently moved from Regional Executive Director, South Metropolitan Education Region to Director of Education, South West Education Region.

Sue actively promotes diversity and equity of education for all students across Western Australia, understanding the need to develop and maintain a genuine connection to community.



Dainon Couzic
Director of Education, Southwest

Dainon is an experienced leader in education. He served as the Assistant Director of Education for the South West Education Region from 2021 to 2024. Before this, he held leadership roles at large secondary schools in regional and metropolitan areas. Dainon was a finalist for the Secondary Principal of the Year award in 2019 and a fellow in 2017. He received the Fogarty Foundation Success Through Educational Excellence Master of School Leadership Prize in 2016. He is an inclusive leader who is passionate about helping schools and students succeed and reach their potential.



Katie Wallace 
Director of Education, Wheatbelt

Katie has more than 32 years of experience in education. Her career began on Rottnest Island and spans 21 years working in the Pilbara region. She’s served in leadership roles including learning support coordinator, First Steps Mathematics facilitator, deputy principal, and principal at 2 regional schools. Katie also held the role of assistant director in the South West education region and currently serves as the director of education in the Wheatbelt.

Katie’s passion lies in supporting all students to achieve their best academically and emotionally. She is dedicated to ensuring every student has opportunities to succeed, and employs creativity and innovation in her approach.

Katie nurtures people's strengths and is committed to advocating for Aboriginal students, their families and the community. Supporting teachers, especially graduates, is a personal strength and commitment in Katie’s educational leadership.