Community use of school facilities
Community use of school facilities
Schools are often seen as the ‘heart’ of the community.
As well as providing a space for students to learn, public schools also offer their facilities to community groups and organisations to run community activities and events outside of school hours.
Schools are a public resource, and community use of school facilities is encouraged.
A recent review of community use of Western Australian public school facilities looked at the current state and best practices. The outcome of the review is a renewed policy position on community use of public school facilities and system level support to all schools to provide a more consistent approach to community use of school facilities.
Benefits to both schools and their communities
Research shows that there are many benefits for schools and students in having community groups and organisations use their facilities, including better engagement and more goodwill between schools and their communities. We know that better community engagement leads to better outcomes for our students.
Apply to use a school facility
Schools set their own fees for using their facilities. For more information and to apply to use a school facility, contact your local public school and work with them to develop a formal agreement.
Case studies
Case studies