Abi’s best yarn inspires peers
Abi’s best yarn inspires peers
20 June 2023
Reward and recognition
A talented WA student could be the next winner of the Best Australian Yarn Short Story Competition.
Just ask Churchlands Senior High School Year 12 student Abi Porter, who won the Youth Prize in the inaugural edition of the competition last year for her short story, The Unmarried Housewife.
Youth Prize 2022 winner Abi Porter.
Abi’s story took readers on a thrilling journey filled with unexpected twists and turns designed to shock and engage the reader.
“I’ve always been interested in looking into the psyche of serial killers and people who stick out like sore thumbs in society,” Abi said.
“Writing short stories from their point of view, it’s an interesting voice and perspective to write from because it’s not one you usually hear.”
Abi dedicates her time after school and on weekends to not only writing other short stories, but also working on a manuscript. The passionate young writer is currently preparing her entry for this year's Best Australian Yarn competition, promising another thrilling and captivating entry.
Abi's advice to her peers is to read as much as they can and write as much as they can to improve their skills. She encourages aspiring writers to immerse themselves in literature and draw inspiration from the work of others.
After her success last year, Abi hopes other students follow in her footsteps and enter the Best Australian Yarn competition. She believes participating in competitions allows budding authors to gain valuable exposure and experience in the publishing world.
The competition celebrates creative writing and the arts across Australia for published and unpublished writers. Anyone over the age of 12 can enter a short story in the competition for a chance to win part of the $75,000 cash prize pool. Entries close 1 August 2023. For more information, visit The Best Australian Yarn website.