Darren Greaves

Aset Penerbit

Darren is an exceptional educational leader who is committed to the belief that public schools should provide opportunities for all students to reach their potential to make informed, positive and meaningful contributions to society.

Darren Greaves

Maida Vale Primary School

With over 20 years of experience in leadership roles, Darren has significant experience in leading schools and encouraging staff and students to be lifelong learners.

His interpersonal acumen threads through his actions and aids in the creation of a culture of trustworthiness, resilience and desire for excellence. Darren has carefully constructed a ‘school of excellence’ working culture at Maida Vale Primary School, which has, in turn, positioned Maida Vale as a school ‘of first choice’ within its community.

For his change management project, Darren researched Sustainability in Education. The purpose of this project was to design and develop a Sustainability Framework that outlines the Department of Education’s position statement in regards to environmental sustainability. The Framework will guide future actions to ensure sustainable practices are planned for and embedded across the education system curriculum, operations and infrastructure.