Excellence in school leadership award 2023

Asset Publisher

Two Rocks Primary School, excellence in school leadership

At Two Rocks Primary School, all staff are encouraged to reach their potential and develop their skills to become leaders.

‘High expectations’ is a mantra for staff and students alike.

Associate Principal, Rebecca Nolan, says leadership is a shared responsibility at the school where future leaders are provided every opportunity to develop and hone their skills.  

“Not only do we expect all of our students will achieve their absolute potential, we also expect this of our staff,” she said.

“We work hard to ensure they’re supported to do this.”

Staff foster their leadership skills through a range of initiatives, including professional learning, planning, various committees, and mentoring. There are also opportunities to learn, grow, and trial new ideas and strategies.

“Staff can nominate for leadership positions,” Rebecca said.

“We support them through a thoughtful, thorough and powerful performance management process to achieve their professional and personal goals.”

Leadership at the school is built on a foundation of teamwork. The school’s open classroom includes a cohort approach. This means that the teachers work together and plan curricular learning as a team. Staff work collaboratively to improve student outcomes. This contributes to a culture of collective responsibility for every child’s success.

The school-based committees are staff-led and made up of representatives from all levels.

Rebecca says this is critical to ensuring the plans that they develop and put into action take all needs into account.

“We believe when teachers have input and ownership over the whole school planning process, they are more likely to embrace and utilise the plans more effectively in their classrooms,” she said.

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