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This policy assists staff to respond appropriately where there is a concern for a child’s wellbeing or a disclosure of abuse.
Document Type: Procedure
The Workplace Bullying policy affirms the Department’s commitment to safe, equitable and non-discriminatory workplaces, and guides employees and line managers in the prevention and effective management of bullying in the workplace.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2018-10-16
This policy ensures that employees are aware of their obligations under the Working With Children Check (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004 (the Act) and ensures that the Department maintains compliance with the Act.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2023-07-19
School dress requirements are tangible evidence of the standards expected of students. A school’s dress requirements play an important role in promoting a positive image of the school and creating a sense of identity among students.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2018-01-01
The Conflicts of Interest Policy and procedures apply to all employees and contractors of the Department of Education and describes the reporting and management obligations related to actual, perceived and potential conflicts of interest.
Document Type: Procedure
This policy assists staff to respond appropriately where there is a concern for a child’s wellbeing or a disclosure of abuse.
Document Type: Procedure
The policy ensures a consistent approach to incident management across school and non-school sites, regions and at Central Services.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2020-12-01
This framework provides information for employees in relation to their obligations and responsibilities with respect to procurement and contract management.
Document Type: Framework
Effective Date: 2024-09-10
This policy provides information for employees in relation to their obligations and responsibilities with respect to procurement and contract management.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2024-09-10
This procedure provides the mandatory framework for school decision making about promoting and maintaining positive student behaviour, as well as responding to student misconduct.
Document Type: Procedure
The Complaints and Notifications Policy and Framework sets out the requirements for management and resolution of complaints and notifications.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2024-11-19
This policy provides rules and guidance for all staff on the acceptance, provision and declaration of gifts, benefits, and hospitality. Staff need to act with integrity when receiving or offering, gifts, benefits and hospitality in the course of their work.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2022-08-16
This CEO Instruction imposes an temporary ban on stand-up paddle board use by primary school students.
Document Type: Ceo Instruction
Effective Date: 2022-07-18
Information and communication technologies are provided by the Department to enable employees and authorised third parties to satisfactorily perform their duties. It is recognised that the associated information, physical equipment, infrastructure and software is at risk of accidental or intentional loss, unauthorised manipulation or unauthorised disclosure. This policy authorises security controls to address those risks.
Document Type: Procedure
The policy details the responsibilities of Department staff in relation to the creation and maintenance of records, whether in paper or electronic format. It highlights the penalties for non-compliance with the State Records Act 2000.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2019-12-03
This policy details the procedures to be undertaken by a school in order to address the management of health care or medical matters during school hours.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2023-07-17
This document provides advice for all staff to be aware of their obligations under Government and Department policies and codes when making submissions to inquiries and attending parliamentary committees.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2023-03-21
This is a proforma for requesting information from the Western Australian Police.
Document Type: Guideline
This policy assists teachers with protecting and informing students and parents in their use of online services.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2019-03-19
This policy assists teachers with protecting and informing students and parents in their use of online services.
Document Type: Procedure