Terms of reference


Terms of reference

Terms of reference

The Rural and Remote Education Advisory Council (RREAC) provides the Minister with evidence-based and solutions-focused strategic advice on education and training issues in rural and remote areas of Western Australia.

RREAC's Terms of Reference are:

  • To provide the Minister with evidence-based and solution-focused strategic advice on education and training issues and developments in rural and remote areas of the State.
  • To provide specific strategic advice on the education services that give senior secondary students in rural and remote areas equitable opportunities for compulsory participation in education and training.
  • To advise about rural and remote community and consumer interests in education and training.
  • To ensure strategic advice is provided from a cross-sectoral perspective across the schools, training and higher education sectors and encompasses both the public and private provision.

RREAC may initiate its own inquiries within its terms of reference.  From time to time the Minister may establish terms of reference for, or refer items to, RREAC for consideration and report.  Refer to: Outlook and directions.