Digital Form


Issues may arise throughout a child’s schooling and these are more productively resolved if you raise them with the school directly, and as early as possible. If you are not sure who to speak to, you can start with your child’s teacher. For some matters, it may be appropriate to talk directly to the school principal or the residential college manager. Contact your school to arrange a time to speak to someone.

If an issue cannot be resolved by your child’s school, we will work with you to address concerns in a prompt, visible and fair process, where all parties are heard. For more information on how we handle complaints, refer to Complaints and concerns. If you need assistance making a complaint, contact the complaints advice line on 1800 655 985.

To make a complaint:

You can make a complaint anonymously, but we will not be able to contact you to receive further information to clarify issues or take action to resolve your complaint. Additionally, we will not be able to provide you with an outcome to your complaint.

All complaints will be dealt with confidentially.

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You will not be able to submit the form until all mandatory fields are complete. You can access the incomplete form from the 'My forms' section of the 'Ikon forms' dashboard.

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