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This procedure provides the mandatory framework for school decision making about promoting and maintaining positive student behaviour, as well as responding to student misconduct.
Document Type: Procedure
The Complaints and Notifications Policy and Framework sets out the requirements for management and resolution of complaints and notifications.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2024-11-19
This policy provides rules and guidance for all staff on the acceptance, provision and declaration of gifts, benefits, and hospitality. Staff need to act with integrity when receiving or offering, gifts, benefits and hospitality in the course of their work.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2022-08-16
This CEO Instruction imposes an temporary ban on stand-up paddle board use by primary school students.
Document Type: Ceo Instruction
Effective Date: 2022-07-18
Information and communication technologies are provided by the Department to enable employees and authorised third parties to satisfactorily perform their duties. It is recognised that the associated information, physical equipment, infrastructure and software is at risk of accidental or intentional loss, unauthorised manipulation or unauthorised disclosure. This policy authorises security controls to address those risks.
Document Type: Procedure
The policy details the responsibilities of Department staff in relation to the creation and maintenance of records, whether in paper or electronic format. It highlights the penalties for non-compliance with the State Records Act 2000.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2019-12-03
This policy details the procedures to be undertaken by a school in order to address the management of health care or medical matters during school hours.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2023-07-17
This document provides advice for all staff to be aware of their obligations under Government and Department policies and codes when making submissions to inquiries and attending parliamentary committees.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2023-03-21
This is a proforma for requesting information from the Western Australian Police.
Document Type: Guideline
This policy assists teachers with protecting and informing students and parents in their use of online services.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2019-03-19
This policy assists teachers with protecting and informing students and parents in their use of online services.
Document Type: Procedure
This document is to be used in the context of the Incoming Sponsorship to Schools Policy.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2016-07-05
This Template is used for Local Area Excursions for Proposal for Local Area Excursion.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2021-02-16
This Template is used for Local Area Excursions with Overnight Stay including Camps for Proposal.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2021-02-16
This template is used for International Excursions Plan.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2021-02-16
This Template for International Excursions for Department of Education Student Travel Cover Summary.
Document Type: Guideline
This policy provides procedures for the recruitment, selection and appointment of teaching staff, school administrators and staff other than teachers and school administrators.
Document Type: Procedure
This procedure explains what ‘duty of care’ means, how teaching staff may discharge their duty of care to students, and circumstances in which non-teaching staff, external providers and volunteers may owe students a duty of care.
Document Type: Procedure
This policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of staff regarding work related injuries and injury management, including details about how to lodge a Workers’ Compensation Claim and support an Injured Employee with a return to work.
Document Type: Policy
Effective Date: 2017-06-20
This policy aims to maximise the flexibility available to school communities in the configuration of the school day within the constraints of legislation and industrial agreements. The Director General determines the days in each year on which government schools are to be open for educational instruction of students.
Document Type: Legacy-policy
Effective Date: 2009-11-05
All Department of Education employees must only use software products in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated by the software license. Workplace managers must ensure that procedures are in place to manage record keeping, procurement, registration, installation, management, transfer and disposal of software licenses for those software products used within the workplace.
Document Type: Procedure
This policy and procedures outlines for all employees of the Department of Education to follow when travelling on a trip authorised by the Department.
Document Type: Procedure
Form used for public interest disclosure notifications.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2021-10-01
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (the Act) aims to facilitate and encourage the disclosure of public interest information and to provide protection for those who make disclosures and for those about whom disclosures are made. These guidelines provide the process for making a disclosure.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2021-10-01
The Department is one of the few government agencies providing secure parking for staff and visitors. Parking facilities provided to Department staff are considered to be a privilege and not an entitlement.
Document Type: Legacy-policy
Effective Date: 2008-09-08
This document outlines for parents and schools guidelines and processes to seek student exemption from particular classes.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2017-09-28
The Department is a signatory to a number of statutory and voluntary licences, which aim to ensure fair returns to owners of copyright, and set out guidelines for the use of ‘works’ and ‘subject matter other than works’ in schools.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2015-08-22
A Community Kindergarten Registration Advisory Panel is established if a governing body of a community kindergarten applies for a review of a decision made by the Minister to grant, vary or cancel its registration. The Community Kindergarten Registration Advisory Panel Guidelines provide advice in relation to the formation and proceedings of a Community Kindergarten Registration Advisory Panel.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2016-07-05
In 2006, the Department surveyed all WA schools regarding canteen operations. Health and education experts, staff, the food industry and parents were consulted. This report details the findings of the Expert Reference Group and survey.
Document Type: Guideline
Effective Date: 2006-12-08
This document outlines the powers, functions and duties delegated to the Executive Director, Finance and Commercial Services.
Document Type: Delegation