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Employee Performance Procedures


These procedures must be read in conjunction with the Employee Performance Policy.

2. Scope

These procedures apply to all employees.

3. Procedures

3.1 Procedures

All employees are required to carry out duties and responsibilities with due competence and care, in accordance with the requirements of their respective roles.

All employees will participate in a performance management process consistent with the Performance Management Standard where:

  • they regularly demonstrate accountability for their performance;
  • they have access to growth and development opportunities that allow for employee interests; and
  • the process links to the intended outcomes of the Department’s strategic directions.


See Appendix A: Good Practice in Performance Management.

Professional learning is available for all line managers and should be accessed through the Institute for Professional Learning.

Templates can be found on Ikon (staff only).

Performance management is a process conducted between an employee and their line manager.  If there is a breakdown in this relationship, an employee may request an alternative performance manager.

Should there be concerns relating to an employee’s performance, line managers should contact Labour Relations Branch on 9264 4921 for assistance as early as possible.

Grievances and breach claims

If an employee is concerned about the evaluation of their performance, or the performance management process followed, they should discuss their concerns with their line manager or, in the case that the concern is with their line manager, with the line manager’s superordinate.

Where informal resolution fails, an employee may use the grievance procedures contained in the Department’s Grievance Framework or lodge a breach of Standard (staff only) claim under the Public Sector Management (Breaches of Public Sector Standards) Regulations 2005 at: WorkforcepolicyandcoordinationBOSC@education.wa.edu.au

3.2 Teachers and school administrators

Principals, or their nominees, will conduct performance management with teachers and school administrators who have a teaching role, using the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards) and the Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework.  

Principals, or their nominees, will:

  • identify and document performance and development goals linked to the Standards, directed at developing each teacher’s performance through building capacity, growing professional knowledge, and developing skills;
  • provide access to high quality professional learning that is discussed in the context of the Standards, on-going registration requirements, and each teacher’s development and career aspirations;
  • provide regular and timely formal and informal feedback against performance and development goals, including a formal documented annual review;
  • use a variety of evidence in providing performance feedback that includes, as a minimum: data showing impact on student outcomes; information based on direct observation of teaching; and evidence of collaboration with colleagues; and
  • observe confidentiality, keep documentation secure as part of official Department records and provide employees with copies of documentation.

Principals, or their nominees, will reference job description forms for school administrators who do not teach, or who undertake partial administration duties.

Where a teacher's performance is identified as not meeting the applicable stage of the Standards, or a school administrator is not meeting the expectations of their role statement, principals, or their nominees, will:

  • refer to the Substandard Performance Procedures;
  • provide support for teachers to improve;
  • advise affected teachers in writing of the aspects of their performance not meeting expected standards; and
  • advise affected teachers of the potential consequences, which may include a range of sanctions, including termination of their employment, should their performance be found substandard.


Previous performance management documentation from other schools may be sought and referenced by line managers.

The Standards provide expected levels of performance for teachers at the Graduate and Proficient career stages, as applicable.

Where video recordings of classroom practice are used as evidence in performance management discussions:

  • a teacher and their line manager should discuss and agree how the process may be conducted; and
  • once those discussions are finalised, and no further reference to the video recording is required, there is no need to keep the recording.

The AITSL website Teachers Landing Page provides a range of support material for teachers and line managers, including Illustrations of Practice, TeacherToolkit, Classroom Practice Continuum, and the My Standards App Self-Assessment Tool.

A template for documenting a performance process with teachers can be found on Ikon (staff only). Support is available for line managers from Labour Relations on 9264 4921.

3.3 Principals

Line managers will undertake the performance management of principals in accordance with Appendix B - Principals’ Professional Review.

Principals will comply with the requirements of Appendix B - Principals' Professional Review and Appendix C - Statement of Expectations when undertaking performance management, as applicable.

Where performance is identified as not meeting the expected standard, line managers will refer to the Substandard Performance Procedures.


The Institute for Professional Learning provides a range of activities to support principals.

The AITSL website provides information for principals.

3.4 Public service officers, other officers and school support staff

Line managers will:

  • conduct and document performance management based on the position’s job description form;
  • identify and document performance and development goals linked to the job description form and directed at developing performance through building capacity, growing professional knowledge, and developing skills;
  • provide access to high quality professional learning;
  • provide formal and informal feedback, including a formal documented review, against performance and development goals;
  • use a variety of evidence in providing performance feedback; and
  • observe confidentiality, keep documentation secure as part of official Department records and provide employees with copies of documentation.

Where performance is identified as not meeting the expected standard, line managers will:

  • refer to the Substandard Performance Procedures;
  • provide support for employees to improve;
  • advise affected employees in writing of the aspects of their performance not meeting expected standards; and
  • advise affected employees of the potential consequences, which may include a range of sanctions, including termination of their employment, should their performance be found substandard.


A range of templates can be found on Ikon (staff only).

For school psychologists, the professional manager in consultation with the respective principal(s) use the job description and Competency Framework for School Psychologists (staff only).

The Competency Framework for School Corporate Services Staff (staff only) is a useful reference.

The Public Sector Commission’s Building Leadership Impact provides behaviours and associated mindsets for positive leadership at all levels in the public sector. Refer to the Access Building Leadership Impact professional learning and resources (staff only) page on Ikon to identify the leadership context for any role and use the practical tools and professional learning resources for self-reflection and to further develop the behaviours expected in each leadership context

4. Definitions

The demonstration of an employee’s due competence and care in performing functions, responsibilities and obligations as they relate to the intended outcomes of the workplace and thus to the Department’s purpose.

Refer to the employee’s career and professional development needs and personal circumstances that need to be considered when negotiating work arrangements, discussing career aspirations and development opportunities, and when making an informed assessment of employee performance

The formal and informal continuous process of evaluating and supporting an employee’s performance in the workplace.

As defined by the Public Sector Commission:

“Outcome: The performance of all employees is fairly assessed to achieve the work- related requirements of the public sector body while paying proper regard to employee interests.

Standard: The minimum standard of merit, equity and probity is met for performance management if:

  • an employee is informed about how their performance will be managed and the results of their performance assessment;
  • a proper assessment of the employee’s performance takes into account both the work-related requirements of the job and identified employee interests; and
  • processes, decisions and actions are impartial, transparent and capable of review.”

A process that demonstrates procedural fairness is one in which:

  • decision makers act fairly and provide reasons for decisions;
  • the person affected is given a fair hearing;
  • all parties to a matter have an opportunity to put their case where an adverse decision or finding is made; and
  • all relevant arguments are considered and irrelevant arguments are excluded.

The person to whom an individual’s line manager reports or a more senior manager.

5. Related documents

6. Contact information

Policy manager:

Director, Workforce Policy and Coordination 

Policy contact officer:

Manager, Workforce Policy

T: (08) 9264 5040


Labour Relations

T: (08) 9264 4921

Workforce Policy and Co-ordination

T: (08) 9264 5081

7. History of changes

Effective date Last update date Procedure version no.
21 July 2010 5 July 2012 1.2
Guidelines in section 4.2 amended to reflect changes to School Education Act Employees’ (Teachers and Administrators) General Agreement as per D12/0372966, nomenclature throughout policy updated, definition of performance management updated.
28 September 2012 1.3
Changes to reflect the National Professional Standards for Teachers. Changes endorsed by Corporate Executive at meeting 7 September 2012.
28 September 2012 11 July 2013 1.3
Amendment of references to National Professional Standards for Teachers to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. D13/0098087 Amendment to references to documents as per D13/0222254.
28 September 2012 23 August 2013 1.3
Updated link to Australian Professional Standard for Teachers in Appendix A. D13/0394461
17 December 2013 1.4
Addition of procedure at section 4.2 and Appendix C. Changes endorsed by Corporate Executive 2 December 2013.
17 December 2013 19 December 2013 1.4
Addition of point about leave management to Appendix A, Section 3. D13/0666788
17 December 2013 27 February 2014 1.5
Minor change to formatting in Appendix C. D14/0061908
28 July 2014 1.6
Numerous changes throughout policy D14/0259580, D14/0323911 and D14/0369019.
28 July 2014 1.7
Appendix B updated to reflect v1.6 changes prior to policy taking effect.
28 July 2014 12 September 2014 1.8
Update to guidance re: professional development and career guidance in section 4.2. D14/0434228
28 July 2014 1 December 2014 1.9
Minor changes to guidance and appendix C. D14/0527043.
15 March 2016 2.0
Major review undertaken and policy reformatted into policy and procedures. Endorsed by the Director General at Corporate Executive on 12 February 2016.
15 March 2016 28 April 2016 2.1
Corrected link for Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. D16/0260595
15 March 2016 10 June 2016 2.2
Minor amendments in response to Corporate Executive decision on 12 February 2016. Endorsed by the Director General at Corporate Executive on 29 April 2016. Minor amendments to Appendix C, Employee Performance Procedures and Appendix A, Substandard Performance Procedures confirmed by Policy Subcommittee on 1 June 2016.
15 March 2016 1 July 2016 2.3
Addition to Guidance under section 3.3 to include information for school psychologists. D16/0419291
15 March 2016 20 July 2016 2.5
Deletion of text in Guidance under s3.1. D16/0460534
15 March 2016 25 May 2020 2.5
Minor changes to update broken links. D20/0260934
15 March 2016 13 January 2021 2.6
Minor changes to replace the Regional Executive Director position title with Director of Education D20/0647278.
15 March 2016 17 May 2023 2.7
Minor changes to guidance D23/1147634.
15 March 2016 21 March 2024 2.8
Minor change to guidance D24/0201989

9. More information

This procedure:

Download procedure PDFEmployee Performance Procedures v2.8

Please ensure you also download the policy supported by this procedure.

Supported policy:

Download Policy PDFEmployee Performance Policy

Procedure review date

15 March 2019

Procedure last updated

21 March 2024