Experience Discover

Vibrant and Dynamic Opportunities for students from Year 7-12

Our students have a strong sense of individuality, responsibility and community, and strive to make an impact in their lives, the lives of others and the broader community.


See how we implement this into our daily learning journey.

Be at the forefront of

digital innovation

Woodvale is at the forefront of the use of technology in public schools. It is viewed as one of the key drivers for improvement and curriculum delivery. Every student has a laptop and all staff and students have participated in extensive professional learning to use ICT as a learning tool.

Follow your passion.
Prepare for your future.

Our College vision and values are reflected in our commitment to working together with our College community to provide an innovative and caring learning environment where each student is given the opportunity to develop academic rigour and to achieve personal excellence.


See how life at Woodvale can equip you to take on the challenges of the future.

Explore Woodvale

Explore and experience our community here at Woodvale with this interactive tour of our College Facilities.